This Book Is Your Road Map Out Of Depression

Change your relationship with depression, change your life.

What if everything you think or know about your own depression is entirely wrong? What if your depression isn’t a bad or evil thing? What if your depression has intelligence and consciousness? What if your depression is trying to teach you something and lead you somewhere? What if there is a big beautiful reason and meaning for your depression that you have no idea about yet? What if your depression is the best thing to ever happen to you? What if one day you will wake up and say, “Thank God for depression”?

There are paths out of depression. There are actions, mindsets, things you can do that will heal depression. This book is here to help you find your way out.

  • “Thank God For Depression is like a friend holding your hand as you lay in the darkness, just letting you know they are there and that you are loved.” - Reader, Amazon - 5 stars

  • "For less than $20 you could really help someone out of a dark place and save their life." Buy this book and find a way back in to enjoying your life again! - Amazon Reader - 5 star review

  • "Reading this book might just be the best thing that ever happened to your depression. It might be the game-changer, the guide that changes everything, the moment that marks a radical change in your relationship with depression. - JCFM St Paul 5 star review

  • "This is one of the best books on mental health I've ever read... 10 out of 5 stars, can't recommend enough" -Sam Figliulo 5 stars verified purchase

  • I purchased a copy for a friend who I know will surely benefit from the healing in these pages. I am so glad that I now have a resource to pass on to those who I know need that shimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. - Amazon Reader - 5 stars

  • "As someone who has experienced severe depression, I found this book to be an incredibly valuable resource" - Lupinehill - 5 star review

  • Just a chapter in, I was already having "mind blown" moments. - Amazon Reader - 5 star review

  • "For anyone experiencing depression or even just the challenges everyone faces in life, this book is a must" - Andrew H - 5 stars amazon.

  • The best physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, practical, and shamanic methods and techniques for healing depression.

  • How to identify the root of your depression and take practical steps to heal it

  • How to change your relationship with depression

  • How to change negative thought patterns into postive ones.

  • Empowerment - how to alchemize your depression and see it as a gift.

  • How to look at depression as an issue the lens of consciousness, spirituality, identity, self care, living in alignment, thoughts, and presence, and how all these can effect your mental health journey. 

This book will teach you

the story of this book

The Origins of “Thank God For Depression”

First, if you're like, "why is this dude smiling with his book about depression", I'm with you. It’s weird for me to look at myself smiling because I never in a million years thought I would be happy.

From age 18-28, I was depressed beyond belief and thought it would never end. I call it my dead decade.

It was also the same time that my professional rock band was soaring - doing things like touring around the world, playing on Conan, getting 35m streams, and a top five rock hit. (a head trip I know)

Then, miraculously, I found healing that was profound, divine, and well, I’ll say it - f*cking bonkers and changed everything I knew about everything - depression, life, my identity, and consciousness.

I'm an artist, and artists are alchemists by nature. I wanted to transmute my suffering into light and healing for others, so I decided to write a book about everything depression taught me.

That's the beginning of this book - "Thank God For Depression".

It’s the book I wish I would have had at 20, because I know all the information in it would have saved me a decade of suffering.

That’s my intention - my ten years of depression could be your threee months because of all the wisdom in it. 

I joke I put my 10,000 hours into depression so you don’t have to, but that’s the truth. 

This book is everything I learned in 10 years of depression. 

I don’t want you to suffer as much as I did.

This book teaches you how to alchemize depression into your greatest gift. 

It looks at depression through the lens of consciousness, spirituality, identity, self care, living in alignment, thoughts, and presence, and shows you how all these can effect your mental health journey. 

I realize the irony that most books on depression are depressing. I was intentional to speak from a place of encouragement and respect - If I can heal depression and find the light, you can too. The book is also funny. There are hilarious stories from being in a professional rock band and misadventures on psychedelics. You’ll love it and get major takeaways even if you aren’t depressed.

I promise you this is the funniest, deeply spirituality, and most profound books you will ever read on depression.

I hope this book will change your life. That’s why I wrote it.

I’m sending you big love and healing on your mental health journey and your life. 

Chapter 1 - A Bush, Ayahuasca, & A Whole New World

Have The First Chapter On Me